Thursday, January 17, 2013

Asheron's Call 2 Review

  Hello hello!  Today I have the actual review for Asheron's Call 2 instead of the locale based on its return.  So let's get down to the nitty gritty -

  Asheron's Call 2 is a sand-box MMORPG.  The reason I like this game so darn much is because of the xp system.  Instead of getting xp only to level up, you actually get to spend the xp you have gained to increase the effectiveness of your skills and abilities.  This is a lot of fun and actually pretty exciting... to me at least... 

  Now for the best part - the loot!  I love loot... of all shapes and sizes I do... the loot system is pretty top notch.  Many colors for many different types of gear, rare drops, and a lot of variation from one item to the next.  There is massive potential for avatar customization and uniqueness.  There's not as much variation as I would like to see but I gather Asheron's Call 3 will be absolutely incredible (if there is such a thing... (*please, please*...))

  One other cool feature is the portal summon and portal recall ability-ees.  One can either return to the last portal used or summon a portal to that same exact portal!  The same is true about returning to a lifestone.  Cool!

  I'm not sure what the level cap is but there are a buttload of skills to be used and learned and upgraded.

Here is a video I made hi-lightning the awesomeness of Asheron's Call 2

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